In the face of highly demanding situations, adversity, setbacks and challenges, resilience is the ability to rebound, carry on and stand tall.
We can all develop resilience
We can all develop resilience, no matter whether we have been taught and trained in these skills and support systems. Uncertainty and unexpected and sudden change is a part of being human and a part of being in business. Navigating dark waters without a GPS system or a map, we can seek to resource ourselves as best as possible and respond and evolve with change. If we are rested, nourished and grounded – we are best placed to take any challenge in our stride.
Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.
Nelson Mandela
Grow through what you go through
Rather than be capsized and pulled underwater, our response to these difficult and unforeseen events and changes can be to not only go through but grow through whatever we face. Stressful times and experiencing distress is unavoidable, however, our ability to respond, cope, adapt and rebuild is a set of skills and competencies that we can actively develop over time.
Taking in the good
Dr Rick Hanson is a psychologist and author whose research centres around building last happiness and wellbeing. One strategy he shares is called ‘Taking in the good’. Often, when positive things happen, we swiftly move on to the next thing calling our attention. ‘Taking in the good’ is all about stopping and consciously savouring the good result, feeling and sensations associated to let it soak in fully. This simple practice has a cumulative effect on strengthening and hardwiring more happiness into our brain and life.
The opposite of work is play is not work; it is depression.
Professor Simon Sutton-Smith.
Here are a few strategies to explore as routes to reinforce a strong foundation and develop resilience.
Resource your mind and body
Nourish yourself with healthy unprocessed food, hydration, rest and movement. Make space to check in with yourself and pause regularly.
Choose to grow through
Make a conscious choice to learn from and grow through challenges, however draining and ground-trembling they feel.
Make space for play
In other words, engage in activities purely for the process, for enjoyment, to inhabit and strengthen new and different brain states. This also increases our capacity to tap into a flow state and find flow in our lives.
Connect with people
Be it friends, family, colleagues or strangers through volunteering, sharing time and offering / receiving support fosters connection and empowerment all round.
Louise Wellby, Head of Content