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Rethinking Productivity

May 14th, 2022
Louise Wellby, Head of content


Breath: Try This…

February 19th, 2022
Louise Wellby, Head of content

Why Meditate?

December 9th, 2021
Louise Wellby, Head of content

Rubik's cube

Three Tips for Brain Health

November 9th, 2021
Louise Wellby, Head of content

Lion from the side

Developing Resilience

November 4th, 2021
Louise Wellby, Head of content

stress metaphor

Stress – Good or Bad?

October 4th, 2021

Practice the Pause

September 2nd, 2021

The endless to-do list

Life is the journey

July 26th, 2021

The tide lets go of the shore by letting it be

Letting Go

July 26th, 2021

How are you really?

Our Feelings are a Map

May 11th, 2021

What Our Clients Say

Adeki are right at the leading edge of understanding about the intimate relationship between physiology and psychology and particularly how the physiology part impacts performance.

We have worked with them to understand how we can adjust habits and behaviours around rest, nutrition, hydration and exercise to improve cognitive function particularly in terms of maintaining psychological balance whilst under pressure and stress.

Adeki uses the latest tools to generate detailed data and provide personal insight and support that leads to life changing and performance enhancing outcomes.

Charles Sellers

Developer, Charles Sellers Consulting